Douglas Jimenez

Simple Game Engine

Oct 2007 (C++) 3D Game Engine


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I always try to improve and learn new things. I started to develop this project to improve and train not only my C++ skills but my documentation skills. The documentation of this project is only a description and notes of classes and some situations, differently from the Web Card Game documentation which has more details.

I did this project in two weeks time, the first week was spent studing what I would need to meet my Functional Requirements and to prepare a base to work on before the real programming in the second week.

To develop this project I have used my previous game developing experiences and the knowledge acquired on my recent Sun Microsystems courses and previous work experiences. However, I know that while programming I have committed some mistakes which I have listed them on the end of the documentation.

My intention is to improve this project by implementing an animated mesh and the ability to click the Mesh.


Game Screen